Five Mukhi Rudraksh Mala – 108+1

Original price was: ₹1,001.00.Current price is: ₹501.00.

Five Mukhi Rudraksh Mala stands for knowledge and development of a person. It also promotes self-growth, including both spiritual as well as mental growth. Rudraksha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the name Rudra (“Shiva”) and akṣa (“Teardrops”). When worn on a mālā, Rudrakshas were also said to ward off and shield against “negative energies”

In Hinduism, people associate faith with these beads, which are considered very holy. Via Japa, Hindus achieve religious attainment by wearing the rudraksha, which is proved to have a number of health benefits. The 5 face rudraksha is said to help one attain a link to the Almighty. Sages and the students widely wear this bead, and the planet associated with it is Jupiter.

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We offer an exclusive range of Rudraksh Mala in industry. These decorative items are made using best grade raw materials, which are procured from some of the genuine and authentic vendors of the industry. We make sure that our range is free from any defect therefore our quality controllers keep an eye on all the ongoing production processes. Apart from this, our range is offered at leading prices in industry.