Parad Nandi Parad Nandeshwar

Original price was: ₹1,600.00.Current price is: ₹1,400.00.

Parad Nandi Parad Nandeshwar is the prime follower of lord shiva, he is white colored bull who acts as a guard, prime medium of transportation, and care taker of kailash and lord shiva. The white presence of him represents of being pious, clean and devoted to shiva. He acts as a representative of the followers of shiva.

Parad enhances the association with Lord Shiva and benefits in meditation and spiritual routine. Brings peace, contentment, concentration, dhyana and supports in Samadhi. Siddh Parad when prepared as per ancient knowledge of Parad Bandhan contains miraculous properties of healing and protection.


  • Praying to Nandi will directly take your message to Lord Shiva.
  • Infertile women must pray to Nandi to be blessed with a child.
  • Nandi protects one from all sorts of harmful effects.
  • Nandi creates a circle of protection around the house against ghost, spirits.
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SKU: OCP13 Category:
We offer an exclusive range of Parad products in the industry. These decorative items are made using best grade raw materials, which are procured from some of the genuine and authentic vendors of the industry. We make sure that our range is free from any defect therefore our quality controllers keep an eye on all the ongoing production processes. Apart from this, our range is offered at leading prices in industry.