Traditional chinese Feng Shui Bagua Pakua Mirror For Good Fortune and Positivity

Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

Feng Shui is the Chinese art of space arrangement to achieve harmony with the environment and the universe. Feng Shui Bagua Pakua mirrors are one of best known Feng Shui symbols of protection. Traditional chinese Feng Shui Vastu Bagua Pakua Mirror is used to Keep Away Negativity. The Bagua Mirror is designed to adjust the flow of energy, or “Chi,” or to deflect poor energy from entering a home, like a shield against unseen arrows. The Bagua Mirror is most effective when hung directly on the front door. There are two different kinds: concave mirrors and convex mirrors. The mirror of concave is “in” that looks like a bowl. It is used to magnify the positive chi. The mirror of convex is “out” that looks a surface of the ball. It is used to deflect the bad energy. It reflects all chi back to where it comes from. The bagua prevents many dangerous events from occurring; it can prevent illnesses, accidents, depression and death of the members of a household,

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