Vedic Know The Astrology Planets- RAHU


 Rahu Graha-

Rahu is a very important planet as per Indian astrology and it is also known as chaya grah (shadow planet). The planet Rahu relates to mind, insanity, epilepsy, fights and trifles, and fruitless wonderings many a times. Rahu is the head of the demonic snake that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses, according to Hindu scriptures. He is a Tamasic Asura who does his best to plunge any area of one’s life he controls into chaos. The Rahu Kala is considered inauspicious.

Rahu is regarded as similar to Saturn in its effect. Smoky blue is its color, instinctual and animalistic its nature. Rahu is interested only in achieving all that gives pleasure, and even if it achieves all it wants, it is never satisfied (which is true of our animalistic nature). Rahu if becomes negative in horoscope then it becomes the master of negative energies in life and disturb our life from every aspect. But a positive rahu is very beneficial for person. A positive rahu is a true friend but malefic rahu is a very bad enemy.

Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign. Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury, but Rahu being akin to Saturn and Mercury being a friend of Saturn, Rahu thus has authority over Virgo. Friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its enemy signs. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly planets. Rahu is an enemy of Sun, Moon, and Mars. Rahu gives auspicious results in Taurus and Libra.Rahu is capable of giving power when rightly posited or exalted, and it gives fame, success in politics, money, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction).

Nature of Rahu is airy. Rahu is exalted with Taurus and debilitated with Scorpio. Rahu when sit with any planet or grah then it forms grahan yoga, angarak yoga, vish yoga etc. which creates struggle in life.

The gems stone of rahu is Gomed.
Malefic rahu generates misunderstandings, paranormal problems, illusions, fobia etc.

Rahu Favourites-


  • Color- Cola, Blue, Black
  • Day- Saturday
  • God / Deity- Lord Hanuman
  • Gems stone –  Gomed

Rahu Graha Remedies-

Rahu shanti pooja is recommended when it is generating malefic impacts in life and when it is going on in antardasha, mahadasha etc. It is also responsible for the kalsrp yoga and grahan yoga. The ill effects of Rahu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one’s convenience.

Rahu Graha Remedies

  • Donation in charity, a piece of cloth of cola colour or blue cloth to some needy person on any Saturday, will gain favours of Rahu.
  • Donating in charity if possible Gold or Lead also appeases Rahu.
  • Distributing Til (sesamum seeds) and mustard oil on any Saturday is another proposition to please the Rahu.
  • Offering Black Flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) will go a long way to appease Rahu.
  • Charity of black/Cola colour blanket in winter and also using black/Cola Colour blankets for self brings favour of Rahu.
  • Deep devotion and worshipping Lord Hanuman with favourite Mantras, Hanuman Chalisa regularly at least for 40 days is a powerful source to appease Rahu.
  • Eating of oily foods (if not hazardous to health) on Saturday is likely to retard the annoyance of Rahu.
  • Burning of Guggul (Gum bdellium olibanum) everyday in worship at least for a month is also recommended.
  • Reciting Rahu’s Vedic Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
  • Chanting Rahu’s Seed (Beej) Mantra with Red Sandal or Rudraksha Beaded Garland is likely to bring encouraging results.

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